The Patterson Bigfoot Film. What is wrong with the Bigfoot’s Mouth?


This clip is made from the single clearest image of the Patterson Bigfoot’s face. This is frame 352. This frame was taken directly from the “in camera” footage and was acquired by me from Mrs. Roger Patterson and the quality is amazing! Not only the teeth can be seen in this frame but a probable defect can also be seen. She has what appears to be a “cleft palate”.

Cleft palate animation oscillating file cropped


Cleft palate animation oscillating file


A Bigfoot Track with Secretions in it.

This is a revisit of the investigation of a series of Bigfoot tracks found in Northern California. These images taken from HD video are clearer that the former ones presented and are made available here for those who might be interested in Bigfoot biology. I did indeed contract a remarkably severe illness from my contact with this secretion and I am still suffering two months later with unusual and severe symptoms.

Here is the track before the leaves were removed. You can see how deep it was. It was part of a series of about ten tracks easily visible.

Snot wad clear track before leaves cleared


Here is a clear view of the secretion. You can see the leaf that was over it laying just below and to the left of it. It too is wet from the secretion.

Snot wad arrowed clear


WordPress is no longer supporting image enlargement within the browser. You can right click on these images and save them or I have provided an enlargement here.

Snot wad arrowed clear enlarged